about a dream: but i don't want to leave grandma's house...

Friday, January 8, 2010

but i don't want to leave grandma's house...

even though she spent ALL day at grandma's house (and waited in her boots and coat for 15 minutes while she was ready to go over but maggie and i weren't), nina still didn't want to leave at the end of the day. she was tired, and getting irrational, but i indulged her. "do you want me to terminate our parental rights and grandma and grandpa can adopt you," i asked. "then you can be their kid and live here. and i'll be your sister!" "no," nina responded, "friend." just like that she would disown me entirely. acquaintances. my heart would be broken, but she was just tired. she consoled herself by pretending nick and i were grandma and grandpa back at home. just call me grandma!

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