about a dream: PumpkinFest!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This weekend was the Damariscotta Pumpkin Festival (or as we say it in our house, Darnriscotta. Also acceptable; Dangriscotta. We've taken the whole "no cursing" thing to the next level).

Nina took her camera and got some fantastic pictures. Check 'em out!

I had to give that beautiful fish a nice kiss!

Just, wow. Someone painted that! IT'S SO GOOD!!!

A mouse!! And the pink nose is made from the stem!! Generally I don't like the ones that are totally painted, because I feel you lose too much of the, shall we say, pumpkin essence. But I liked this one.

It's the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel. And I think the pumpkin is the witch? I dunno, perhaps this one is too esoteric for me...

A pumpkin house! Like Peter Peter!

This is my sad attempt to bug my eyes out like these two pumpkins. But since I have a blinking disorder (my eyes are always closed in pictures!!), this is the closest we can get.

And here she is, the Ultimate Grand Supreme, weighing in at one thousand, two hundred and sixty-six pounds. That's some pumpkin!!
There were even more pumpkins than these, but I couldn't put them all up.

Aside from the pumpkins, we also saw a (free) showing of the Lorax at the Lincoln Theater and played at the new playground at the Great Salt Bay school. Doesn't get much better than that!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

What fun! Love the mouse!