nina's was fantastic, of course. she's smart, well-behaved, and fun to be around. her teacher says she's shy in class, which i knew because i've seen her reluctance to raise her hand, and her tiny, timid little voice when she does. hopefully that's something she outgrows.
i didn't write last night because we went to our friend jenn's house (her son is one of nina's classmates) for a st. patrick's day dinner. yum! by the time we got the kids home and asleep, i was ready for bed too. but the kids had a great time, and the corned beef and cabbage was delicious!
today is going to be beautiful--some very warm weather is moving back in, so i think we'll be outside most of the weekend. right now it's just 9:15 am, and the girls are watching the phantom of the opera one last time before we have to return it. obviously we're going to have to buy it! listening to maggie sing the music that plays when the phantom comes on stage (da, dat da da da da!!!!) is just too cute.
4 days ago
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