what a fast week! i've been tired at night, so no blogging. and once i break the every-other-day pattern of posting--wham! a week goes by!
well, maggie's nap is over, that was quick! but while the girls are watching TV i'll give a quick week re-cap:
all i remember about tuesday is that nina had ballet, and we made tacos for dinner. the tacos were a huge hit, and both girls have asked for them every night since. so, we're having tacos again for dinner tonight!
wednesday: tap in the morning, then the botanical gardens in the afternoon. the tulips were in bloom. "look at the beautiful colors," i said to the girls. after that, every time we came upon a patch of tulips, maggie would exclaim "look at the beautiful colors!"
thursday: swimming at the Y in the afternoon. that's all i remember.
today: story hour, playing at bernadette's and next we're going for free mini golf and ice cream, courtesy of dolphin mini golf's first day open!
garden update tonight, stay tuned!
16 hours ago
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