things are good here. girls are happy and healthy. had a nice visit with paul and connor today, the kids had a blast together. maggie wasn't thrilled to be sharing her toys with connor (aged 21 months) at first, but about half-way through the visit she warmed up to him and they had fun. nina was perfect, of course, showing connor toys he might like and doting on him.
the weekend was good too, we only got three inches of snow though! the rest of the eastern seaboard gets the storm of the decade, and we get 3 measly inches. still, the kids got out in it for a bit on sunday and it looks pretty, so that's something. i think we're going to get more this week too??
presents are starting to get wrapped. we'll have to do a big push to wrap the girls' gifts soon, but not tonight, i'm pooped!
oh, one cute thing: in the morning, i usually put on my robe and wrap maggie in it too. she loves it. well this morning i slept in a bit and she went downstairs with nick and nina. when i finally came down, she ran up to me and yelled "in the wobe! in the wobe!" (wobe = robe, she's still working on those r's). how cute!
4 days ago
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