yesterday we went to costco, played at our playground, went to rainey park and played in the sprinklers with lucia and penelope, then went out to the new beer garden with the manzis, wengs, and mascias. exhausting but fun! the beer garden was an outdoor kind of affair, with lots of picnic benches and many hip young people. we were pretty much the only people with kids there, and there must have been several hundred people.
today we played at the playground, cousin jessica came over, went back out to the playground, returned the highchair we borrowed from a family over on 52nd street at 31st ave, played at their playground, came home and played at ours a bit more, had a picnic dinner (in the living room), then did baths and bed.
we didn't pack anything this weekend, but perhaps tonight. the girls have been asleep for a while... we shall see. packing is slow, but progressing. i'm pretty sure we're going to plod along like this for another week and then panic and just throw things in boxes, willy-nilly. that's how it usually goes anyway.
maggie said banana today. she loves bananas. nina thinks american cheese is called "erik cheese" and was asking for erik cheese all night. i told her it was "american" cheese but she said no, it's called erik cheese. never try to tell a 3 year old that she's wrong!
Summer vacation 2019 - Cavalese and Lodon
5 years ago
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