...unpacking has been hectic, we were having a wonderful time with erik, isabelle and chester, it was windjammer days, grandma and grandpa's house is still much more fun than ours, betsy and elias are here, we have a swingset, and then i got sick. so, blogging has been pushed almost off of my list. even now, my loud typing might wake margarete up, as she is sleeping in the pack n play in the living room. so i'm risking much to bring you this non-update.
nick and i got the girls down early tonight (and little maggie actually stayed asleep, she must be getting over her cold), so we got a lot of unpacking done. now i'm going to go eat pretzels and peanut butter with nick. i promise that there will be photos and tales of the girls' cuteness soon!
Summer vacation 2019 - Cavalese and Lodon
5 years ago