I might as well just copy and paste the last post. It's Thursday, no school, about 7 inches of snow on the ground. Cold.
I had a fun start to the day. Marley threw up just after 4 am, so I cleaned that up, which took a few minutes. It took me a bit to fall back asleep, but I was snoozing by 5 am. My phone rang at 5:25--a 2-hour delay! Yay! Best of both worlds; time to get out, but we don't have to make up a day. Excellent.
I couldn't fall back asleep, so at 6 I went downstairs, started my day, threw in a load of laundry, the usual. At 6:30 Maggie called for me, and I went into the girls room and got in bed with them. Ahh. At about 7 I fell back asleep and didn't get out of bed until almost 8. So, not too bad after all.
Then I got the call from Honeywell Instant Alerts--school was cancelled! A highly unusual move, to extend the delay into a full cancellation. Nick wept, the girls rejoiced. Then we went outside!
Check out those snowbanks! Taller than the girls!
Here you can see the bank to the left of the front door is almost up to the (low) roof over the entry way. There's my roof rake too. The roof's pitch over the entryway is low, and I'm not sure it's built as well as a regular house roof, so I rake that. Where the entry roof meets the regular roof, there was a good 5 feet of snow built up. Joy. Raking the roof is SO hard! I'd already shoveled the trampoline so I was tired (but I hadn't yet shoveled off the decks. At least my muscles are getting big).
The snow banks on the way to mom and dad's are just as tall. I'm sure they'll be here until May.
So we're watching some SpongeBob, blogging, playing outside, and now hanging out at mom's. Ideally we'll be back in school tomorrow, then we have one week until our desperately needed Winter Recess (sarcasm).
Oh, and what's in the forecast, you ask?