me: what is your favorite thing to eat?
maggie: sausage!
me: what is your favorite game to play?
maggie: kids on st.... um... uno
me: do you know who is the president?
maggie: no, who is it?
me: it's barak obama.
maggie: let's have some wattie (water).
me: what's your favorite thing to drink?
maggie: chocolate milk.
me: what's your bedtime?
maggie: uuuhh.. next year
me: how old are you gonna be at your next birthday?
maggie: tell me a sentence. tell me a weight (???). more questions.
me: how old are you gonna be at your next birthday?
maggie: three!
me: what do you like about living in maine?
maggie: playing computer
me: what's your favorite thing to play on the computer?
maggie: clifford.
me: what else do you like about outside in maine?
maggie: ummm i don't want to tell you. sliding!
me: anything else besides sliding?
maggie: no
me: where is your favorite place to visit?
maggie: the hotel
me: what did you like about the hotel?
maggie: watching TV
me: anything else?
maggie: uh no. nothing.
me: not even the pool?
maggie: YEAH! even at the pool.
me: do you like these questions?
maggie: mm-hmm.
me: who's the best mom in the world?
maggie: you!
me: who's the best papa?
maggie: him. he's the best papa.
me: what do you like to do in the summer?
maggie: slide! um, i like to play ball in the summer.
me: when are you going to stop wearing footies?
maggie: i don't want to stop wearing footies.
me: what do you like about footies?
maggie: nursing.
me: you like to nurse in footies? what else do you like to do in footies?
maggie: sleep. i like to sleep. like this (lies down) ahh....
me: what's your favorite thing to dress up as when you play dress-up?
maggie: umm... hmm... uh.. BELLE!
me: do you like your belle dress?
maggie: yeah, i don't want you to sew it.
me: but i have to fix it.
maggie: ok, you can knit it when i'm wearing it.
me: how much do you love your mom?
maggie: this much! i love you and you're my mom.
me: don't do snot eyebrows.
maggie: i'm not, i'm just doing snot cheeks.
me: ok, don't do snot cheeks.
maggie: ok. (wipes snot on my hand.) i did snot cheeks!!
me: is this interview over?
maggie: na-na-na-na!!!!
me: is there anything you want to say to everyone?
maggie: no! there is nothing i want to say. naney!!!!