about a dream: boston!

Monday, April 18, 2011


here are some pics from our sunday in boston:

this is why we didn't end up going to the aquarium. all those people in the photo are the line!! nope, not for us...

good thing there was a carousel just around the corner! that was just as much fun.

aww, nick is crossing the busy city street with the girls. don't they look so big and cute!!

this is a statue of some coach of the celtics. the girls got a kick out of it.

in front of quincy market. not my favorite place (boring!!) but a landmark nonetheless.


Oma said...

My goodness, in the pic of Nina on the carousel, she really looks like Nick's cousin Doris!

Oma said...

At first glance, when I saw the first picture (line for the Aquarium), I thought it was of the Boston Marathon!